Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Music-Chaddock, Dean, etc. Families #3

  Music has continued to be a part of the lives of our families through our children and grandchildren. Following Velma's talents, her daughter Maryl sang a fine alto in the church choir and Bronwyn taught herself to play the guitar.  On one occasion when the girls were very young, all of Velma and Lila's 6 girls sang "Do Re Mi" from "The Sound of Music"at a church function, with the youngest, Megan climbing up and down the steps as we sang .                                                                                                                 Bronwyn's son Bill,  was an outstanding member of his Henrietta High School chorus .  Her son Ray, has gone into the field of "Electronic Music and Amplification" after graduating from SUNY at Fredonia.
 On the Hamilton side of the family, Wendy and Amy were flutists, and Sally played the drums in the junior high band. She played the little cymbals in the marching band because she was too small to carry the big ones. All three girls sang in the school choruses and their church choirs. Wendy went on to become the captain of the color guard in the junior and senior marching bands.  Amy carried on with her flute and the piccolo through high school.  I recall practicing with her the tough piccolo solo in "Stars and Stripes Forever"  I could barely keep up with her  on the piano!
 The grandsons have all taken and instrument of some kind throughout their school years and participated in their junior high school bands.
  Wendy's son Josh, now a pilot in the Air Force has played drums and other percussion instruments throughout his junior high, high school and college years.  He was assistant to director of the Air Force Academy Band as well as percussion section leader. His responsibilities included seeing to it that all instruments were at the right places at the right times as well as the personnel for trips to the A F Academy football games and other performances. Josh himself is an expert drummer and played the "quads" (5 drums) in the Air Force Academy Band and the famous AF Drumline.
  Amy'a son Andrew is also a fist rate drummer. We live with his drum set in our family room. He played in the BHS Marching Band, the concert and jazz bands, the drumline and the orchestra.  now he plays with the music of "the Big Bands" and headphones.

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