Monday, August 22, 2011

Teresa Terraplane"-Our First Auto

Teresa Terraplane"-Our First Auto- Part 1
 In the fading days of 1944 we realized that if I went out of Buffalo for my internship (We were thinking Toledo, at the time) we might not see our parents for months.  Reasoning that that would be a hardship for grandparents (us?) we checked our bankbook and the projected income (as a buck private in the Army, plus the living allowance) to see if it might be feasible to obtain an auto.  So we talked and thought a lot with each other and friends and decided to "give it a go" if at all possible. So we read all the ads and kept our eyes open and asked friends to do likewise.
               Perhaps it would be well to establish the context in which we were working. Regular production of automobiles was prohibited as of early 1942.  Therefore there were no "new" vehicles available, and the "used" cars were "really used".
               After a few weeks -2-3- we located a vehicle about 10 blocks from us, for only about $200.  The only major problem was a "cracked block". That meant the cooling system wouldn't work after a small length of running time and the motor would quit.  So I asked the local garage if he could fix it.  -Yes, but no guarantee-- for $85. (About $10,000 in today's money-it seemed at the time). Nevertheless we took the chance. We took the chance, and they did it!
               Our find was a "Terraplane". The Terraplane was made by the Hudson Motor Co.. It was among several cars made by that company. The Essex Terraplane was made in 1932 and 1933 and the "Terraplane" in 1933 through 1938. Therefore our car was 6-10 years old, -probably 6-7.(?) There was no problem with a name for our juggernaut.
               Believe me, it was with a mixture of fear, trepidation and prayerfulness that I drove out of the garage, down Allen St. to our 2 story on College Avenue. We were on the 2nd floor.  It(We) made it!  Believe me there was no celebratory drive after that delivery!
               However, the next day, after a trial "spin" with Ruth and Peter we undertook the  Batavia trip!   So at the start of that momentous occurrence we took off with even more of the previous tenuous aura to the 19 Spruce St. address in Batavia!   We made it!
With Ruth triumphantly carrying little Peter to his maternal grandparents home!    However, Dad Amidon said, "That motor doesn't sound too powerful" The mechanic's pronouncement!
               So the mechanic did his thing and "the spark plugs are fouled pretty bad". So I learned how to change spark plugs that day, the old plugs were cleaned and a new set was obtained, so they could be switched after each leg of the Batavia- Buffalo trips!
               Believe me, we didn't cruise Batavia to show off! The "Deans" had to come to see the "crew and the "cruiser"!
               After a suitable time we made the venture back to Buffalo.  Uneventful!!  Later we made a few brief rides to gain confidence.  My dear mother-in-law made the venture to visit us.  So we went "for a spin'. THAT WAS THE ONLY TIME I SAW FLAMES THROUGH THE FLOORBOARDS1 Strangely enough that was the only time she came to visit us during that period. with our furnishing the transportation.  You might say she was timid.  I would say she was just one smart mother-in-law! Hope you picked yours as well as I did!

                                                                       Love, Grandpa
Teresa Terraplane"-Our First Auto- Part 2

Of course, in those days the only "new tire" was in a museum.  I vividly recall one pleasant spring day as we approached the Buffalo City Limits on the blitheful way to Batavia, feeling the usual "sashaying" of the car as the right rear tire went flat.  So, we slowed down, stopped, and yours truly took off the wheel and trundled it the 2-300 yards to the nearby gas station. Having been the veteran of many years of bicycle tire repair, it would be no big deal!   ---But, I didn't have a tire repair kit with me!

"What can I do for you my man ?" came the cheerful greeting.      
"I just need to buy a tire repair kit, then I'll fix the tire and be on my way."
 "You're going to use "that"  tire?  
"Yes, that's my tire."

 "Hey, I have a better one than that  in my reject pile, that you can have."  
 "Hmm…let's see."    
And, we did… and I did!  
While my wonderful wife and poor Peter suffered because of the Old Man's goof.  So, on to Batavia.
Almost every week-end-- or when they(in-laws) could figure out a way to avoid the minor calamities coming otherwise, they came to Buffalo instead of our trips to see them in Batavia.
 About the time we were ready to take off for Staten Island (changed from Toledo) we had the problem of the motor suddenly going "POOF POOF POOF" with the accompaniment of a slowdown of the car to a complete stop.  After suitable periods of  anxiety and other shenanigans, the motor would respond and we'd be off for another 30-40 miles!  Of course these pseudo breakdowns would always occur when we were farthest from our current goal.
                               With this rather daunting prospect we took off for Staten Island and Port Washington on the 30th of June to be able for me to check in at the hospital before the 4th. We stuck to the 30-40 mile pattern until we went by Dansville.  We were unable to persuade the garage people to work on the car at that time.  "Wait until Monday," HO HO!!  So off we went and about 3 miles into the 20 mile Dansville Hill, the car refused to go up at that angle.   So we went back down hill and with great persistence we founf a road      which bypassed the hill! -- And wonder of wonders we called Don Groff's parents in Wayland and made the town!  Don's step- father took over and arranged for the transmission repair the first thing in the morning!!
 With that lovely wife and cute baby we didn't stand a chance of going to rent a room! So we stayed with them.
                               So about 11:30 am we were off for another try!
                               After a few more 30-40mi laps we ended up in a small town in New Jersey where we encountered a mechanic who listened to me and my story.  Then, said he:" That sounds like the diaphragm of your fuel pump!  I can fix that in an hour or so!"  -And   he did! So shortly another valiant try began?!?

                                       Love, Grandpa!
Teresa Terraplane"-Our First Auto- Part 3
 We proceeded and lo and behold we reached Brooklyn!  Of course, you might guess that the one place we would have a "flat" would be Brooklyn!  So on a lovely stretch of Atlantic Avenue in the Borough of Brooklyn we had a definite flat tire.
       That stop alone could have been written up as a musical, or at least, -- a play.  Once i opened the trunk the air was filled with helpful suggestions from the absorbed , interested sudden flock of onlookers!   " Dat ting goes heah"  "No dat ting goes ovah heah.  –On de udder side!".   "Let's take da momma, and dat cute little chahma inside to clean up too!.",etc., etc..
 So Ruth and Peter went inside, got cleaned up and refreshed while my appreciative voluble audience saw to it " Dat I did da right ting."  They didn't touch anything, however, just "helped" verbally.  So after many "thank you’s," and a rinse we were on our way to Port Washington (Without Ruth's wrist watch, we found out after arriving at "Joey's" in Port Washington.)

"Joey" (Eleanor Merrill) had been one of Ruth's roommates at Wm Smith and she and her family were enthused about keeping Ruth and Peter until suitable housing would be found on Staten Island. So, I left them and went back to check in at the U.S.Public Health Hospital at Stapleton, Staten Island. There I had a room in the hospital,checked in and began my term.

 In about a week I happened on some rooms supposedly just right for a small family.  Turned out to be a disaster…  Although the owner was an MD she had not had a course in Hygiene in school, whereever it was.  Brings to mind one of Ruth's little sayings that she seldom used, but had in her repertoire. "I never saw a cockroach until I married you!" Fortunately in about 3 days we found a lovely set up about a quarter of a mile from the hospital.  Clean, handy and wonderful landlords!
 Teresa was then parked in front of the apartment.  I don't remember moving her from that spot.  I would go out, start the engine about every 10 days to 2 weeks but, that was all. About the first of May a recently discharged soldier from Colorado appeared and despite my history he moved Teresa from our world.  --To our relief.  I have wondered many times over the years-- How did Teresa's life continue?  As interestingly as with us; without problems or disastrously…Never did hear!

                               Oh, by the way, Ruth and i found the spot of the "flat tire" and found that the plan was, if we didn’t appear by the following Sunday the "Folks" were going to ask the diocese to notify the R.C. Church in Port Washington of the watch encountered after  we left.  At any rate, Ruth's watch returned to its rightful site, her wrist!  

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