Sunday, August 21, 2011

Christmas Despondency

As previously mentioned this period of my life -after Ruth's demise, has been a prolonged period of retro-and introspection.  One of my recurrent problems for many years in life has been the persistent recurrence of depression and despondency during the Christmas season.
               My off-hand interpretation of this problem has been that my Christmas desires as a child were such things as a baseball glove, a baseball bat, a football, and the like.  Of course, in the place of these frivolous items I received--a handkerchief, socks, and as I grew older, neckties. As a matter of fact, the most pleasure I would get at Christmas time, would be the recognition of the same old friends to put on the Christmas tree again.
               What has come back to me to complicate my analysis has been the remembrance of the beautiful wonderful gift I received at Christmas when I was 4 yrs old. --A pair of beautiful, new shiny rubber knee boots!
               I'm sure my eyes were like saucers and in my excitement I would not let the others finish their breakfasts before I went out to show off, test and display my new beauties! And so I did! I sallied forth to conquer the world in my new wonderful finery!   Tragically, within minutes I was in the grip of the world!  --i was stuck in the mud!  After some painful stressful minutes a neighbor heard my belloring and rescued me!-- In the humiliating presence of my family (finally)!   For as long as we stayed in that neighborhood, I was "Stick in the mud! " to that neighbor.  Relatively painful reminder of my shameful old predicament…
               My mother and stepfather married shortly after that and moved "to the other end of town".   So my dirty new nickname died a short time after the move…Undoubtedly, to my relief.
               Was this the prime reason for my despondency, buried so deep it took me months to recall?
               Fortunately I always enjoyed my wife's and children's Christmases, and the smiley, happy family!

I must confess that one of the things that has helped me the most these past few years has been  "Grandpas' Grab Bag" Thanks, Girls

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