Names are an interesting phenomenon in our society. --Or are they? Most of us feel our names are special'. Some just the opposite. Our surnames are basically determined by circumstances before our births.
The personal or "Christian name "is filled with meanings that we are not familiar with.
For example, my name is "Ivan" . I was named for my father. (Who was named for "a friend of the family").
Ivan is the Slavic form of "John" The same name in different cultures is: Ian, Jan, Johan, Johannes, Juan, etc. in various cultures and languages.
It signifies "Gift of God" or "God is gracious". This information is usually not passed on to the individual. So we are not constrained by our name.
One of my nicknames was "Ivy". When I was about 11 or 12, I visited relatives in Connecticut. There was plenty of poison ivy there. In my "previous life" I had no experience with poison ivy.
Somehow the idea came to me, that since my name was "Ivy", I was immune to poison ivy. So I played with it and around it with gusto.
To make a long sad story short , I wasn't and it made me pay! I learned about the virtues of Calamine Lotion and the discomfort of poison ivy dermatitis. I became an expert of the identification of poison ivy and its cousins in one short summer!
And free of charge, the active ingredient of poison ivy is the only medical term in English language derived from Japanese. "Urushiol"- also the active ingredient in lacquer tree dermatitis!
Watch out! Don't let your name get you in trouble!
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