Thursday, July 14, 2011

Food and Five year olds

Of course, one of the amazing things about growth and maturation is the interest in food types and flavors.
"This years good stuff is next years poison." Perhaps some of the change in appreciation is an excess of "the good stuff". The excesses of the "little ones" are just as notable as the aversions and the preferences.
DD is a healthy young preschooler whose mother works in my house from time to time.  Last year her mother picked her up after day school on the way to my house, to ease the day's problems.  DD was a good girl this day and endured the accumulated books in the den "for a long time".  Then she moved into the living room to ease her boredom.
After a few minutes I  asked her mother if she liked "little tomatoes"  " Oh yes, She loves them! " After a few more minutes the mother and I were finishing up "the chores", so I pointed out the "little tomatoes" as I left the room.
When I returned DD had full cheeks and handfuls that reminded me of the "raptor talons grasping the crystal balls at the end of the legs of our old piano stool."  An unforgettable sight!  "Yes, she loves them!"was true!  (Next year?")

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