Thursday, July 14, 2011

Neighborliness-Exotic Food

Neighbors are great! -- We exchange compliments, recipes, discussions, and other things depending on the backgrounds of the particular neighbors and where they fit into ours , or otherwise.  In our over 65 years of marriage, we never had a feud. (I married a wonderful woman.)
  One family -- was definitely in a different economic stratum from ours.  They had a boat housed at the Gulf,(fishing), went to West Texas, for hunting prairie chickens, to the Dakotas for pheasant , as well as quail, doves, etc, in South Texas where we live.
On this particular time they had gone to Canada, and returned with a moose.  Our bright (and almost chirpy) neighbor informed me (across the street) .  " We have a moose in the oven and plan to throw on some spaghetti in a little while. Come join us!"  " Oh yes, for spaghetti and moose balls." said I."Ruth already has the supper on. Sorry, maybe another time."  Never did have that fare!

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