Ruth was a wonderful beautiful person:wife,mother, student, and even tolerated me.
One of the briefest times for Ruth to earn a star for her crown undoubtedly was when the raccoon, "Tricker" affected our family.
The " door was opened " one fall week-end when we encountered a female possum complete with a dozen or so mouse-sized little ones in our garbage can by the alley. Usually the cans were covered except when the garbage was collected and the covers left off to allow the cans to dry. At any rate, that day the cover had been off and the can was occupied by several "critters". We brought out our old mini-sized 22 (a relic from a promotion back in the 1900s ) and I proceeded to dispatch the mother and the little ones one at a time.
John decided that he wanted --and would care for-- one of the little ones. At that time John was a very persuasive kid(11) and seeing no harm -I (we) decided to let the experiment proceed. --He did like animals, and of course he would take care of it, etc., etc., etc. .
So the busy little boy obtained a box and the tiny doll-sized milk bottle to feed the "young un"with at the picnic table in the back yard. -- I shrugged my shoulders and relented("another phase") I thought to myself.)
I resumed my morning "chores" and after a half hour or so, I came out to see how things were going. --Neither John nor " the baby" were in sight, I called John and asked him where "the baby" was. "On the table" was the quick reply. --"No he's not " was my equally quick reply. After about 15 min. of frantic searching , we gave up. I philosophized by mentioning "There are many cats in the neighborhood." That didn't help , but John quieted down. -- To be heard from later!
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