Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Tricker seals her fate. #7

    From when she was small, John would turn Tricker out of her cage and stay with her as she explored the yard, the alley, etc..  She never went too far, never created problems and  went back to her cage, when John herded her back.  But as Tricker matured, she spent more and more time travelling the tree tops, eating fruit, and who knows what and generally becoming more independent.  John would start trying to corral  her an hour or so before dark and, eventually Tricker decided that she liked night time operations perhaps even better than daytime operations.  So there were days when John would give up, go inside and wait until Tricker let herself back into the house or cage on her own.  She was able to open our back screen doors, which were locked only by a latch at the top, by pulling the bottom of the door frame and then push her way through.  Eventually, Ruth decided that a second latch should be added to the bottom to put an end to that.   Seemed like a great idea and actually worked, as well, until there was a night when Tricker wouldn't come down from her tree.  John gave up at some point during the night.  Tricker, thwarted by the second latch , decided she could just go ahead and get in by burrowing through the roof.  When John, who was often on the roof for a variety of reasons only known to him, soon saw the massive hole over the play room which was clawed through the shingles, tar paper and all the way to the wood he figured one or both of them were goners.  Sure enough, a field trip to the dove fields was arranged for the both of them... but one of them would not return.

Tricker goes to school(not) & John leaves school #6

John has finally added to the Tricker Stories. This is the first.
  When John was in the 5th grade his teacher, Mrs Hargrove, became aware that John had an interesting pet that many might like to see. Thinking it would be an educational experience, she invited John to bring Tricker to school for a sort of "show and tell" at a specific date and time. At this point Tricker was pretty much an adult raccoon who had definitely developed a sizable body and mind of her own.  So, first thing on the appointed morning, John hooked up Tricker's harness to the leash and set out for school.  The only problem was that there just happened to be a driving rainstorm at the time.  As John and Tricker arrived at the street and began their first crossing, Tricker decided for the first time in her life that she was not at all interested in crossing the street, or furthermore , going anywhere John was interested in taking her.  So...after a short raccoon rodeo began, involving mule-like leg setting, monkey-like leg climbing, dashes int the pittosporum hedge , etc..   In the driving rain they both decided that it probably wasn't in the best interest of anyone to continue on that path.  After a bit of reflexion, it was decided that maybe Tricker wasn't the best school visitor then, or ever,  as she was getting pretty large and more independent.  Big independent critters with lots of sharp teeth probably should stay at home.  It should be mentioned that John was summoned at school by his mother when Tricker occasionally slipped int the main part of the house and holed up under a bed, to her great consternation.  For some reason, Maria(pt time maid) was hard to convince that a playful raccoon swiping at her ankles should be part of making a bed!  John would be summoned and normality was gradually restored by the removal of Tricker from under the bed and so on. Fortunately, the principal and teachers knew our family well and understood the predicament. We just weren't like other families!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Tricker ##5- Subsisting

    Tricker in the interim between her arrival at the Kuhl household and the grocery catastrophe had endeared herself to the family by being very helpful.
     She checked under the overstuffed chairs, the sofa, and under the kitchen furniture frequently during the day, as well as checking the veneer of the doors, screen inlays, the "pockets" around the bases of the louvers, and so on.
     Apparently, somewhere along the way she had had beautician lessons and loved to work with Mary Kay's abundant curls to everyone's appreciation, especially Mary's.
     Her checking under the furniture at times ran counter to the directions of Ruth--"la ama de la casa"--so when Ruth attempted to persuade Tricker to check in other areas from those Tricker had selected, there was conflict -more than mental-, so "The Tricker Master" and his aid, was sought.  So John was summoned from the nearby elementary school.  As a result, John spent quite a little time soothing the two mistresses of the house.  The teachers at the school were interested and cooperative so things went smoothly ,-- at first.  After the third episode, for some unknown reason, the school authority became a  "bit testy" and shall we say "short tempered" .
     All in all, Tricker's popularity was definitely on the wane as her judgement and that of the"ama de la casa" differed.  The true "ama" was not about to defer her long standing authority to this furry newcomer in her house!!!